On the flip side, a gender diverse organisation is a financial force for good. One such study found that companies with gender-diverse management teamswere 21% more likelyto outperform their peers in profitability. This illustrates the clear financial benefits of addressing gender inequality in the ...
Based on this framework, we elaborate on potential interventions targeting the underlying processes and focusing on individual and contextual moderators to reduce the detrimental effects of ostracism. We summarize challenges in the field and outline recommendations for future research. This is a preview ...
To explore this possibility, we conducted three experiments utilizing Video Interventions for Diversity in STEM (VIDS), a validated diversity intervention relying on high quality videos to convey the existence of gender bias in STEM. Consistent with prior research, relative to control conditions, VIDS...
"Up and On or Down and Out? Gender, Immigration and the Consequences of Temporary Employment in Canada." Research in Social Stratification and Mobility 29(2):155-80.Fuller, Sylvia. 2011. "Up and On or Down and Out? Gender, Immigration and the Consequences of Temporary Employment in Canada...
(2020). Wealth, race, and consumption smoothing of typical income shocks (no. w27552). National Bureau of Economic Research. Grabka, M. M. (2021). Income inequality in Germany stagnating over the long term, but decreasing slightly during the coronavirus pandemic. DIW Weekly Report, 11(17/...
The American Educational Research Association states that these lower scores can limit advanced education opportunities, continuing the educational inequality cycle. However, it’s not just about the scores. Test bias can also result in inaccurate assessments of students’ actual abilities and behaviors....
2.5and health outcomes. To tackle these objectives, we frame three pivotal research questions pertinent to present context: First, what is the concurrent effect of air pollution on life expectancy at birth and the mortality rate? Second, how does WHO’s strategy to reduce air pollution through ...
56-62 are the culmination of a major research project undertaken by the Institute, aiming at the re-examination of the causes underlying economic inequality in the United States. The papers focus on the analysis of the important issues of inequality, poverty, gender and special demographic groups...
Using a mixed method research approach, this paper examines the determinants of dyad formation at the top level of audit teams, i.e., concurring and lead auditors, as well as its consequences on audit quality. The auditor dyad of concurring and lead auditors is hierarchically structured, compara...
(2007). Gendering citizenship in western europe: New challenges for citizenship research in a cross-national context. Bristol: The Policy Press. Google Scholar Malthus, T.R. (1798/1982). Essay on the principle of population, as it affects the future of improvement of society with remarks ...