12June2016 TheConsequencesofDisobedience BibleBackground•GENESIS1:1–2:3;ZEPHANIAH3:1–8 PrintedText•ZEPHANIAH3:6–8 DevotionalReading•DEUTERONOMY8:11–18 AimforChange Bytheendofthelesson,wewill:EXAMINEZephaniah’sprophecythatGodwouldwant tosaveHispeopleandthepeople’sintransigentrebellion;HELPadults...
In the Bible, sins of omission are acts of disobedience just as serious as those committed. When God tells Christians to worship, speak, or act, and they refuse, they have disobeyed. It says inJames 4:17, “therefore, to one who knows the right thing to do and does not do it, to...
everythingwasgood SoGodcreatedmaninhisownimage,intheimageofGodcreated hehim;maleandfemalecreatedhethem.AndGodsaweverything thathehadmade,and,behold,itwasverygood.Andtheevening andthemorningwerethesixthday.–Genesis1:27,31 5 ThePerfectionof LifeWasBroken Manhadthreebasicrelationships: • arelationship...
I also believe that consequences are a part of life. We need to teach our kids how to live in the real world where our actions, good or bad, have ramifications. We learn from our mistakes. It’s hard that life is like this, but it’s often the pain that brings us to a place wh...
There will be occasions when the people will cry out “Why? Why has the Lord done this?” (29:24). The answer is clearly give in the Scriptures; it is because of their disobedience. The judgments of God are not a secret and they are no mystery, this is why Moshe wrote “...
Original sin, in Christian doctrine, the condition or state of sin into which each human being is born; also, the origin of that state. Traditionally, the origin has been ascribed to the sin of the first man, Adam, who disobeyed God in eating the forbidd