developments, we welcome the significant progress made in addressing the consequences of the 2006 crisis, in particular [...] 看到目前的事态发展,我们欢迎在解决 2006 年 危机后果方面取得的 进展,特别是东帝汶国防军请愿 者重返平民生活和境内流失失所者加快回返,这使得 大部分境...
The gap in the supply of health workers has affected the quality of care delivered, especially in rural areas. The opening of overseas opportunities has commercialized health education, compromised its quality, and stripped the country of skilled learning facilitators. The social cost of migration ...
people’s living standards, by protecting them from the negative consequences of the financial crisis and by ensuring that normal [...] 第一大趋势涉及全球金融危机与人权问题,政府发起了一项政策,避免 人民生活水平降低、保护他们不受金融危机的 不良 后果影 响、 确保 正常生活...
people’s living standards, by protecting them fromthenegative consequencesofthe financial crisis and by ensuring that normal [...] 第一大趋势涉及全球金融危机与人权问题,政府发起了一项政策,避免 人民生活水平降低、保护他们不受金融危机的不良后果影响、确保正常生...
Given how the wealth of the richest has risen ever higher above the rest of us in the past two decades – and how we now seem to lurch from one systemic crisis to another, which I suspect is related – I wonder what capitalists from the 1950s and ’60s would think, could they see ...
developments, we welcomethesignificantprogress made in addressingtheconsequencesofthe 2006 crisis, in particular [...] 看到目前的事态发展,我们欢迎在解决 2006 年危机后果方面取得的进展,特别是东帝汶国防军请愿 者重返平民生活和境内流失失所者加快回返,这使得 大部分...
Governments might move mountains to respond to an acute health crisis, but health departments responsible for preventing such crises in the first place are chronically underfunded. The Hundred Years’ War on Palestine, Rashid Khalidi (2020)
Eighty percent of American bank loans are mortgage loans to real estate and the effect of loosening loan standards and increasing the market for real estate is to push up the cost of living, push up the cost of housing. So, Americans have to pay more and more money for their housing whet...
Financial crisisFinancial policyFinancial servicesGlobalizationArticleYoung adults, 25 to 34 years of age, decide on housing, residential location and commuting patterns in an altered context from when the same age cohort entered housing markets in the early 1980s. Neo-...
Ch 10. Sectional Crisis (1850-1861) Ch 11. American Civil War (1861-1865) Civil War Begins: Northern and Southern Advantages Compared 6:44 Historical Application: The Civil War & 19th Century Historiography First Battle of Bull Run in the Civil War | Overview & History 6:...