To treat consensual sex as if it was of the same cloth as rape and other sexual violence is to degrade and corrupt the concept of sexual experience for young people just entering this arena of life. Violent imagery combined with sexual 3 titillation is a seriously damaging combination for ...
I walked to the door of the manager's office uneasily. I saw two strangers sitting inside. The manager was apologizing with great care. When I went in, I knew that someone had gone to their company that morning, said they had contacted the business, sent them a business card, and then...
And she had no interest in sitting for two hours in the roasting heat listening to an exaggerated story of gods, monsters, or famous people. Worse, authors too often wrote their works to flatter a royal patron, or to preach about the futility of battling fate, while exhorting mortals to s...
This study systematically reviews MP contamination in Thai animal taxa to address regional data gaps and contribute to global efforts against MP pollution. Thailand, with its over 3,000 km of coastline along the Gulf of Thailand and the Andaman Sea, offers an ideal case study due to its divers...
”And so begins her cycle of guilt. She continues:“Imposing a punishment hours and sometimes days after the offense has been committed feels petty. The anger is gone, the house is quiet, Emmett and I are getting along beautifully, and then, like an injured party nursing an old wound, I...
International events, economic changes, and the impacts of climate change will test the Great Lakes–St. Lawrence River basin over the next five decades. The region's ability to effectively meet these challenges will require foresight, investment, and cooperation. As a contribution to this special...
“appropriate assessment” is carried out, and if this is unfavourable, they will seek acceptance that there are “imperative reasons of overriding public interest” for the developments. The key is public interest, and the onus becomes to demonstrate that conserving biodiversity is in the public ...
Sorin argues against what he labels the “mechanistic myth”: the belief that virtually all fields, from psychology to biology, can be addressed by pursuing methodologies and theorizing based on hierarchical modeling – a method of breaking down processes and concepts from high-level ideas into simp...
Social inequalities, specifically racism and classism, are impacting the biodiversity, evolutionary shifts and ecological health of plants and animals in our cities.
The agriculture department too has not set the initial guidelines for this. A grave danger exists of various insects, alien plants and heavy metals entering the country with the imported manure. As a political party we have important goals. Food safety is the main componen...