Reports that patients who have undergone multiple detoxifications from alcohol may experience more symptoms of anxiety and have a greater desire for alcohol compared with patients with a shorter history of alcoholism, according to researchers from Great Britain....
Binge alcohol drinking is a risk factor linked to numerous disease states including alcohol use disorder (AUD). While men binge drink more alcohol than women, this demographic gap is quickly shrinking, and preclinical studies demonstrate that females con
Alcohol withdrawal is a condition relating to a variety of symptoms that stem from abruptly ceasing the consumption of alcohol. Generally, the onset of delirium tremors (DT's) from ethanol withdrawal occur 48 to 72 hours after the patient’s last drink. Alcohol depresses particular nerve cells i...
The use of substances to induce sedation has a long history, even when alcohol is not considered. As early as the mid 19th century, production of agents designed for this purpose began with the introduction of bromide. Paraldehyde, chloral hydrate, ureth
Unintended consequences of a quality improvement program designed to improve treatment of alcohol withdrawal in hospitalized patients. EVALUATION: Preliminary analysis showed more deaths during the year after introduction of the guidelines. Investigation revealed some evidence of guideline adherence and a decr...
On page 28, authors Deja Neal, a class of 2024 PharmD candidate; and Jolene Bressi, PharmD, PMP, BCMAS, discuss the cognitive consequences of benzodiazepines, a commonly prescribed class of medications used to manage conditions such as anxiety, insomnia, alcohol withdrawal, muscle spasms, an...
(67) Chronic alcoholics become profoundly Mg depleted as a result of long-term magnesiuresis, superimposed on poor intake; those with cirrhosis also lose Mg as a result of secondary aldosteronism.(68,69) During the stress of alcohol-withdrawal, the fatty acids released as a result of ...
Samson Y, Baron J, Feline A, et al: Local cerebral glucose utilisation in chronic alcoholics: A Miletich DJ, et al: Regional blood flow and cerebral metabolic changes during alcohol withdrawaland Eckardt MJ, Campbell GA, Marietta CA, et al: Cerebral 2-deoxyglucose uptake in In...
Effect of cognitive bias modification on early relapse among adults undergoing inpatient alcohol withdrawal treatment: A randomized clinical trial. JAMA Psychiatry. 2021;78:133–40. Article PubMed Google Scholar Everitt BJ, Robbins TW. Drug Addiction: Updating Actions to Habits to Compulsions Ten ...
The practice of binge drinking is very common among adolescents of both sexes. It can have long-term consequences with respect to drug consumption during a