CARB CRAZE: Teens weigh the merits, consequences of popular diet plansHope Noland
Depending on your circumstances, the direct consequences of a DWI charge may not seem to severe, and you may be tempted to just plead guilty and get it over with. For a first time offender with a (relatively) low alcohol concentration, the maximum penalty is 90 days in jail, . . . bu...
I took Lupron as a child from 1989 to 1994 for my hormone imbalance. I received a shot once a month in my thigh and sometimes in my butt cheek. I can remember the burn of the Lupron going into my body like it was yesterday. The injection always took me a week to recover from. I...
These genetic alterations result in constitutive activation of the MAPK signaling pathway, which supports cell proliferation and tumor cell growth through several mechanisms, including reduced apoptosis, increased metastatic potential, invasiveness, and immune suppression [6,8–10]. As a consequence of ...