With a non-orthogonal data structure and a multipart linear model, the partial sum of squares may exceed the sequential sum of squares. We attempt to impart an intuitive but rigorous understanding of how and why this phenomenon occurs. Using the model is always fit first, we show that the ...
The well-documented disaster provides a unique opportunity to validate levee breach progression, flooding, evacuation, and lifeloss estimations generated by the suite of models used by USACE and others to support levee safety risk assessments. In this paper, we describe how data from social media ...
For many of these dams, the consequence analyses completed for classification was based on breach inundation areas developed from a one-dimensional (1D) unsteady flow model such as the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers' HEC-RAS model or older limited detail unsteady flow models such as NWS DAMBRK...
Figure 3. Initial (a), damaged geometries (b) and cut view (c) of the LNG bunkering ship model. 2.2. Leakage Parameter To ensure the credibility of data for the leakage scenario, a generic release frequency assessment was undertaken to provide information on the frequency relative to the ...