研究背景介绍(简写) : 您将被邀请参加一项, 由 xx PI 和 xx 研究机构(PI 电话号码) 主持的研究。 这是为证明……而进行一项研究, 它将历时 xx 时间。 此项目由 xx 资助进行。 由于您是……而被邀请加入此项研究。 本知情同意书提供给您一些信息以帮助您决定是否参加此项临床研究。 您参加本项研究是...
Impact of Open Data Policies on Consent to Participate in Human Subjects Research Discrepancies between Participant Action and Reported Concerns 热度: obtaining consent from young people with autism to participate in research 热度: INFORMATION STORAGE IN THE UK --- A guide to research, manufacture ...
consent to participate 范例consent to participate 范例 Consent to participate in research refers to the process by which individuals voluntarily agree to take part in a study after being informed about its purpose, procedures, potential risks, and benefits. In order to ensure that participants are ...
In G.P. Melton, G.P. Koocher, & M.J. Saks (Eds.), Children's competence to consent. Hew York: Plenum.Keith-Spiegel, P. (1983). Children and consent to participate in research. In G. B. Melton, G. P. Koocher, & M. J. Saks (Eds.), Children's competence to consent (pp....
ConsentToParticipateInAResearchStudy-中国临床试验注册中心.doc,知情同意书 研究背景介绍: 您将被邀请参加一项,由南京医科大学主持的研究。这是为探讨苯溴马隆降尿酸治疗对急性缺血性脑血管病的影响及其机制研究而进行一项研究,它将历时3 年时间。此项目由南京市社会发
ConsenttoParticipateinResearch 参与调查同意表 Youarebeingaskedtoparticipateinaresearchstudy. 您受邀参加这一研究调查。 Beforeyouagree,theinvestigatormusttellyouabout(i)thepurposes,procedures,andduration oftheresearch;(ii)anyprocedureswhichareexperimental;(iii)anyreasonablyforeseeablerisks, ...
Obtaining consent to participate in research: the issues involved in including people with a range of learning and communication disabilities Research in the field of learning disability presents particular ethical challenges when obtaining consent from participants. This is further exacerbated w... L ...
CONSENT TO PARTICIPATE IN BIOMEDICAL RESEARCH [Insert the lay title of the study.] [If the study involves using different consent forms for different populations, identify the population group as the subtitle of the study.] You are asked to participate in a research study conducted by [insert ...
Over the last decade there has been escalating debate regarding the competency of patients with psychoses to give informed consent to participate in research. This debate has been made evermore complex by variations in the definition and evaluation of competency. Importantly, competency must meet both...
& Murphy, J., 2006, `Obtaining consent to participate in research: The issues involved in including people with a range of learning and communication abilities', British Journal of Learning Disabilities 35, 113-120, viewed 18 February 2012, from http://dx.doi.org/10.1111/j.1468-3156.2006.00...