to obtain the consent from each of the concerned employees. 由于工作需求无法给员工放带薪年假的雇主,需要取得每位相关员 工 的 同 意。 2.4 We shall be entitled but not obliged to, without prior notice to or consent from you, take such steps as we may in our ab...
allowance 是「补贴」的意思,指的是钱;permit 是「执照」的意思,如果想表示「允许」,要说 permissio...
iftheclaimtobeusedas the capitalcontributioninvolvestwoormorecreditors,havingtheunanimousconsentofallsuchcreditors;and. 用于出资的债权涉及两个以上债权人的,应当经该债权的全体债权人一致同意; 3. Never invade the domain of anyotherdepartmentwithouttheknowledgeandconsentofthemanagerincharge. ...
Definition of consent form in the Legal Dictionary - by Free online English dictionary and encyclopedia. What is consent form? Meaning of consent form as a legal term. What does consent form mean in law?
【Consent】英 [kənˈsent] 美 [kənˈsent] 【英文释义】If you consent to something, you agree to do it or to allow it to be done. 【中文释义】v.& n.同意;赞同;答应;允许;合意 指一个智力正常的…
The meaning of CONSENT is to give assent or approval : agree. How to use consent in a sentence. Synonym Discussion of Consent.
XIII、It is important to ensure that the process of obtaining informed consent from human participants is carried out carefully and with vigilant attention to every detail. Failure to comply with general requirements for informed consent (45 CFR 46.116) and documentation of informed consent (45 CFR...
Reproductionbyprintingorothermeans,evenofextracts,isonly permissiblewiththeconsentofGermanischer Lloyd WindEnergie GmbH. 通过打印或其他方式复制本指南,甚至包括摘录本指南,都必须经过德国劳埃德船级社风能股份有限公司认可。 6. Eitherpartymay,withtheconsentofthe other party,assignall ofhisrightsan...
In addition to obtaining the formal approval or consent of the owners or the owner’s corporation to conduct electioneering activities in the building, it is advisable for the candidates to notify the management [...] 除必須取得擁有樓宇公用地方控制權的業 主 或業 主立 案 ...
Looking for consent, age of? Find out information about consent, age of. age of consent, the age at which, according to the law, persons are bound by their words and acts. There are different ages at which one acquires legal... Explanation of consent, ag