Position Paper on Trauma Informed Care for Child Vitcims of Sexual Abuse, No more Stolen Childhoods, 2019,https://nomorestolenchildhoods.com/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Position-Paper.-Trauma-informed-Care-for-Victims-of-Child-Sexual-Abuse-Children-FINAL-8.2019.pdf. Principles of trauma-informed ap...
This is particularly important in the context of performing a genital exami- nation and photographing the genitalia of a child, which may elicit strong emotional reactions. A critical part of creating a safe environment for the patient is to clearly describe the purpose of the evaluation and ...
Consent forms (orrelease forms) are the best option. These make it very clear that consent is being given, and you should keep hold of the form to ensure you are protected if the person changes their mind. There is no specific form you can use, and you could simply make your own. Th...
Children in humanitarian emergencies present a unique ethical challenge. They often do not have the legal right to consent, and they may be incapable of understanding some or all of the research content necessary for informed consent [38]. Where children are considered legally unable to provide in...