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Consensus and controversies regarding follow‐up after treatment with curative intent of nonmetastatic colorectal cancer: a synopsis of guidelines used in ... Aim It is common clinical practice to follow patients for a period of years after treatment with curative intent of nonmetastatic colorectal ...
Moreover, the Commission services track record appears generally in line with that of the OECD, IMF and Consensus Economics, and in some cases better. Finally, while the analysis points to a limited impact of the crisis on the ... LG Cabanillas,A Terzi - Directorate General Economic and ...
当前的药物使用情况尝试减少问题行为,如果不解决基本的基础病因 (Chadman et al.,2012 ;汉普森 et al.,2012年)。这些药物 ofte 缺乏核心功能建筑署的安全和 efficacy 的证据和相反的目标快慰行为和共患精神病理学 (即,烦躁、 抑郁、 焦虑、 多动、 和强迫症行为) (西格尔和蟠龙,2012年)。 翻译结果4复制...
Texte de consensus: Prophylaxie de l'endocardite infectieuse. Médecine et Maladies Infectieuses 22 , 1119-1141 /Texte court : Prophylaxie de l'endocardite infectieuse. Revision de la Conference de consensus de mars 1992 - Recommandations 2002 - Med Mal Inf 2002 ; 32 : 533-541....
Asian Expert Consensus for the Diagnosis and Treatment of Hypertension-Associated Left Ventricular Hypertrophy Sun, Ningling; Chen, Jaw-Wen; Wang, Jiguang;et al 扫码阅读本文 Expert Consensus on Intensive Statin Therapy for Patients with Acute Coronary Syndrome ...
2012. Transformational leadership and gatekeeping leadership: The roles of norm for maintaining consensus and shared leadership in team performance. Asia Pacific Journal of Management, 29, 265-283.Ishikawaꎬ J Transformational leadership and gatekeeping leadership: The role of norm for maintaining ...
athermoelectric properties, Seebeck coefficient, electrical conductivity, absolute temperature, and thermal conductivity. In the TE community, the consensus is that ZT = 1 is a criterion for practical application 热电物产、Seebeck系数、电导率、绝对温度和导热性。 在TE社区,公众舆论是ZT = 1是一个标准为...
英语翻译 帮忙翻译下这句话:There is no consensus of opinions among people as to … some people te
According to the national prevention and control policy, Chinese Society of Nuclear Medicine and Editorial Board ofChinese Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging organized professionals to formulate the expert consensus on the safety protection process of nuclear medicine imaging and nuclide ...