This study aimed to evaluate the impact of e-ASPECTS (Brainomix, Oxford, UK) on the performance of US physicians compared to a consensus ground truth. Methods: The study used a multi-reader, multi-case design. A total of 10 US board-certified physicians (neurologists...
The preregistered data analyses focus on three broad questions. First, we test whether the classic and the updated scientific consensus messages can reduce misperceptions and increase climate change beliefs, worry and support for public action (Q1 and Q2 in Table1). Second, we investigate whether ...
Several aspects of the calibration procedure have been discussed in the proton therapy community, but so far, no consensus exists. In this work, a comprehensive guide is presented, describing all relevant steps for HLUT specification, starting from phantom setups via CT scan acquisition, SPR deter...
Based on these data, on October 2, 2015 the FDA ap- proved the use of pembrolizumab, at a dose of 200 mg IV every 3 weeks, to treat patients with PD-L1-positive (TPS ≥ 1%, as determined by an FDA-approved test), metastatic NSCLC whose disease has progressed on or following ...
模型的内在偏差导致了其经常预测 Positive class 的高可信度。 改进工作 通过“校准”模型的输出概率来纠正bias 对模型预测的影响。调整输出概率的一种常见技术是应用仿射变换(affine transformation): $$ \hat{\bm{q}} = softmax(\bm{W}\hat{\bm{p}} + \bm{b}) \tag{1} $$ ...
Clustering ensemble methods produce a consensus partition of a set of data points by combining the results of a collection of base clustering algorithms. I
, it is evident that settling on some variant of first-order logic allows the construction of tools that enable the automatic construction of descriptions that use relations (used here in the formal sense of a truth value assignment to n-tuples). There is at least one kind of task where ...
Cultural Consensus Theory: Comparing different concepts of cultural truth. J. Math. Psychol. 2012, 56, 316–332. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] France, S.L.; Batchelder, W.H. Unsupervised consensus analysis for online review and questionnaire data. Inf. Sci. 2014, 283, 241–257. [Google ...
Previous research has focused in particular on two different aspects: the influence of the majority (i.e., conformity, Ref. [6]) and the influence of the minority [13]. Studies on conformity show that the most common opinion in a group is able to exert an enormous influence on ...
Previous research has focused in particular on two different aspects: the influence of the majority (i.e., conformity, Ref. [6]) and the influence of the minority [13]. Studies on conformity show that the most common opinion in a group is able to exert an enormous influence on ...