where SM and GT represent the segmentation method and the ground truth, respectively [12, 25,26,27]. Besides, to assess the robustness of different methods, the test–retest reproducibility of the metrics between two different initial tumor masks (TRTMetrics) was calculated as: [Math Processing...
(7.9). The first term corresponds to the quality of input partitions, for example, how close they are to the ground-truth partition, Pc, solely determined by an initial clustering analysis regardless of clustering ensemble. In other words, the first term is constant once the initial clustering...
To do so, we rely on Bayesian model-averaging approaches53,54. Our analyses (Supplementary Information Section1; Open Science Framework (OSF)https://osf.io/z6quh/) take into account the uncertainty regarding the model structure (for example, constant versus heterogeneous intervention effects across...
Our chief aim, therefore, was to test an account of the illusion of consensus that accords a central role to people's understanding of the independence of the informants' data sources. When they are unsure about the independence of this data, the illusion is likely to arise, with similar ...
Before executing the workflow below, make sure you have thebasecalled fastqfile in theMETEOREdirectory. Nanopolish needs to link the read ids from the fastq file with their signal-level data in the fast5 files. An example fastq fileexample.fastqis provided. ...
Figure 9 shows examples of the final disparity images of seven test images reconstructed by the proposed method. Because not all the disparity images are available in [35,36], we compare our results with the ground truth and Soft3D. Figure 9. Comparison of Soft3D and EnSoft3D using ...
and caused by your car.". This is what they think you mean byconsensus. Is it safe to say the realconsensusis closer to the view of those so called deniers in the National Post series or to the alarmist panic that is being widely circulated through things like "An Inconvenient Truth"...
Cultural Consensus Theory: Comparing different concepts of cultural truth. J. Math. Psychol. 2012, 56, 316–332. [Google Scholar] [CrossRef] France, S.L.; Batchelder, W.H. Unsupervised consensus analysis for online review and questionnaire data. Inf. Sci. 2014, 283, 241–257. [Google ...
Publicconsensus, in contrast, tends to occur only when something is blindingly obvious. For example, a serial misinformer would struggle if they tried running a campaign denying the existence of owls. Everyone already knows that of course there are owls. There is publicconsensusbecause we see and...
A consensus protocol is a system that allows network nodes to reach an agreement on what should be considered as truth. When referring to a blockchain network this protocol is used to determine which copy of the blockchain is the true copy. This is required in order to prevent malicious par...