Both conflict and consensus theory have substantial difficulties. Conflict theory might be thought to lack an explanation for how consensus has been imposed on societies, and why it has been generally accepted sometimes for long periods. On the other hand, consensus writers can be accused of forget...
Although Mouffe is not consensus-oriented, consensus plays a role in her theory when the democratic order is at stake. This suggests that there is a theoretical terrain between the opposing poles of conflict and consensus. This can be discussed with the help of concepts and theories that seem ...
This article outlines the two broad schools of thought from conflict theory (in which society functions through competition) and consensus theory (which sees society developing through cooperation). It outlines the middle ground between them, as found by pluralism and agonism, before considering the ...
Consensus or conflict? Return to Durkheim's proteiform theoryReview Essay Published: January 1981 Volume 10, pages 127–138, (1981) Cite this article Theory and Society Aims and scope Submit manuscript Mohamed Cherkaoui 90 Accesses 2 Citations Explore all metrics This is a preview of ...
Classical elite theory stressed tensions between elites and democracy, whereas modern studies of elites take democracy as a point of departure – to a large extent under the heading of democratic elitism. This article discusses two strands of elite studies in a democracy perspective, one stressing ...
14. In the process of China's globalization, historiography is also being globalized. One manifestation is that foreign scholars started studying Chinese history and Chinese scholars started studying foreign history; another is the mutual exchange and consensus in academic theory and method between Chine...
Conflict and Consensus 作者:Professor Serge Moscovici/Professor Willem Doise 出版社:Sage Publications Ltd 副标题:A General Theory of Collective Decisions 译者:Halls, W.D. 出版年:1994-09-23 页数:224 定价:USD 51.95 装帧:Paperback ISBN:9780803984578...
Consensus and conflict refer to the degree of agreement within a society concerning the distribution of valued resources. Elements of conflict and consensus are present in every relationship, with consensus mitigating the intensity of conflict. A contentious issue in democratic theory concerns the degree...
Theory & SocietyCherkaoui, Mohamed 1981 “Consensus or conflict? Return to Durkheim's proteiform theory.” Theory and Society 10:127–138.b, « Consensus or Conflict: Return to Durkheim's Proteiform Theory », Theory and Society, 10, pp. 127-138; maintenant in Id., 1998....
This paper introduces the concept of GIS-based collaborative decision-making and presents a general model that is developed on the basis of decision theory to support the process of conflict resolution in the context of sustainable land use. 展开 ...