Historia Argentina. Consecuencias de la Independenciadoi:10.1117/12.2063589PhotonicsVideoBuildingsPhotonics provide indispensable technology buildings bricks that enable a wide range of products as well as driving the development of entirely new industries. The European Commission recognized the potential of ...
Durante el reinado deLuis XIV(1643-1715) (foto abajo), Francia se hallaba bajo el dominio de unamonarquía absolutista, el poder de rey y de la nobleza era la base de este régimen, pero en realidad el estado se encontraba en una situación económica bastante precaria, que se agravó ...
As part of a qualitative case study, intended to characterize community response to the pandemic, twelve semi-structured interviews were held with members of different social organizations in Independencia, along with a number of ethnographic visits. The analysis characterizes t...