Synonyms for SELF-CONSCIOUS: embarrassed, uneasy, uncomfortable, abashed, uptight, discomfited, disconcerted, nervous; Antonyms of SELF-CONSCIOUS: confident, composed, collected, calm, cool, serene, undisturbed, secure
SynonymsAntonyms Strongest matches anxious awkward bashful embarrassed mannered nervous sheepish shy stiff stilted uncomfortable uneasy unsure Weak matches affected artificial diffident discomfited ill at ease out of countenance shamefaced uncertain Discover More ...
Synonyms for UNSELF-CONSCIOUS: imperturbable, unflappable, unshakable, nerveless, vainglorious, smug, egotistical, egoistical; Antonyms of UNSELF-CONSCIOUS: diffident, insecure, timid, unassertive, unpretentious, meek, humble, unassuming
Synonyms for conscious in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for conscious. 28 synonyms for conscious: aware of, wise to, alert to, responsive to, cognizant of, sensible of, clued-up on, percipient of, deliberate, knowing, reasoning... What are synonyms for consc
SynonymsTo be SensibleorConscious, etc. (seefeel).Aware,Conscious. Awarerefers commonly to objects of perception outside of ourselves;conscious, to objects of perception within us: as, to becomeawareof the presence of a stranger; to be quiteawareof the danger of one's situation; to becomecon...
SynonymsAntonyms Strong matches close mean saving Weak matches avaricious canny chary cost-conscious frugal humane parsimonious provident prudent stewardly stingy thrifty tight tight-fisted tolerant ungiving unwasteful wary adjectiveas intightfisted
Synonyms for unselfconscious in Free Thesaurus. Antonyms for unselfconscious. 1 word related to unselfconscious: unaffected. What are synonyms for unselfconscious?
ThesaurusAntonymsRelated WordsSynonymsLegend: Switch to new thesaurus Adj. 1. conscious - intentionally conceived; "a conscious effort to speak more slowly"; "a conscious policy" witting intended - resulting from one's intentions; "your intended trip abroad"; "an intended insult" 2. conscious ...
What is an antonym for conscious?AntonymsWords that have similar or the same meaning are called 'synonyms.' Words that have opposite meaning are known as 'antonyms.' Knowing synonyms and antonyms for common words helps you understand those words more completely.Answer and Explanation: ...
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