As the end of college approaches, you may be thinking about extending your education. Or, perhaps you’re well into adulthood and considering ways to advance your career, or even eyeing a career change. In any case, the road you’re on may be leading to graduate school. Of course, grad...
A gap year is any period away from education, but it usually refers to the gap between finishing high school and starting college. There are lots of popular gap year activities, but you can use your year however you choose. You might take a break after a busy exam season, travel the wo...
A year of trying a brand-new experience while living somewhere abroad is something most people dream about. But taking that break later in life can mean interrupting your college education. Taking a gap year before college can be a nice, clear time to take a break without having to have ot...
When first looking for a college, I immediately thought of huge classrooms full of 300 students and walking around a 50 plus building campus. To my surprise, the only college I visited (and the college I am currently attending) has one and a half buildings and classrooms of 30 students are...
Taking a gap year between high school and college isn’t for everyone, but it can help you gain valuable life experiences and learn new things about yourself.
College opens up a whole new world to you academically.In high school, you generally only have a choice of a handful of elective classes, but in college you can literally choose from among hundreds of classes and majors. While there are core requirements at most colleges, for the most part...
Regardless whether you’re taking a break before you enter college or after you graduate, it will come with its perks. In this section, we’ll look at 10 benefits of doing a gap year! 1. You’ll learn new skills One of the main reasons you should consider taking a gap year is the...
Regardless whether you’re taking a break before you enter college or after you graduate, it will come with its perks. In this section, we’ll look at 10 benefits of doing a gap year! 1. You’ll learn new skills One of the main reasons you should consider taking a gap year is the...
Students who work a moderate amount of hours – up to 15, maybe 20 hours a week – those students actually on average do better in school than students who don't work at all," says Shannon Vasconcelos, senior director of college finance at Bright Horizons College Coach. ...
School Suspensions: Pros, Cons, and Ways to Improve The Cons of Homeschooling, According to a Homeschool Mom How to Decide Whether to Homeschool: Pros and Cons What Is the Purpose of IQ Testing in the Public School Setting? Homeschool Math Curriculum Review...