“By a parent to the parent’s child, by a guardian to the guardian’s ward, or by a person to the legal spouse of that person if the furnishing or delivery occurs off licensed premises; or by a licensed physician or nurse to a patient in the course of administering medical treatment....
but even seemingly safer sports like swimming and track pose some risk for overuse injuries. And they all can be made safer with the right strategy, said Dr. Erin Grieb, pediatric primary care sports medicine physician at Stanford Medicine Children’...
Roman physician and philosopher Galen (130–200 AD), whose theories of medicine were influential throughout Europe for 15 centuries, engaged in the public dissection of animals (including an elephant), which was a popular form of entertainment at the time. Galen also engaged in animal vivisection...
a physician and early advocate of women running long distances, who wroteWomen’s Runningin 1976. Taking note of how frequently runners got injured when they increased their training load too quickly, Ullyot, along with Joe Henderson—the original editor ofRunner’s World—spread the 10 percent ...