The prettier young women and girls will be fortunate to become the concubine of one powerful man. The plainer women and girls will be sold as house or field slaves, doing fifteen or more hours of hard work every remaining day of their lives: hauling water, cleaning floors, cooking and so ...
We are pleased to be able to announce the release of 'Warsword Conquest - Trials of Khorne Edition'. This is a full edition and not a patch so please delete your current warsword folder if you have one and install the new one fresh. In this version you can take the ultimate melee jour...
5 They wore old, patched sandals and shabby garments; and all the bread they took was dry and crumbly. 6 Thus they journeyed to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, where they said to him and to the Israelites, “We have come from a far-off land; now, make a covenant with us.” 7 ...
They chose provisions for a journey, making use of old sacks for their donkeys, and old wineskins, torn and mended. 5 They wore old, patched sandals and shabby garments; and all the bread they took was dry and crumbly. 6 Thus they journeyed to Joshua in the camp at Gilgal, where...