The Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS) is a parent-report measure that assesses children’s problem behaviors, particularly symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) and related disorders (including oppositional defiant disorder and conduct disorder). At the time of publication, the...
HarbinWomenandChildHealthCareInstitute,Harbin150026,China 【Abstract】 Objective:ToevaluatetheapplicationofConnersTeacherRatingScale(TRS)inchildrenwithADHD.Methods: Theteachersof57ADHDchildrencompletedTRSwhilethenationalnormasacontrolgroup.Results:(1)TheitemscoresofAD2 ...
Read full articleView PDF Attention deficit/hyperactivity disorder and methylphenidate Mark DRapport,CatherineMoffitt, inClinical Psychology Review, 2002 ACRS=Abbreviated Conners Rating Scale; ACTRS=Abbreviated Conners Teacher Rating Scale; ARS=ADHD Rating Scale; bid=twice daily; BL=baseline; CBCL=ChildBe...
ADHDmalingeringself-reportThe present meta-analysis provides the first meta-analysis of research on stand-alone neurocognitive feigning tests since publication of the preceding paper by Vickery, Berry, Inman, Harris & Orey (2001). Studies of dedicated neurocognitive feigning test perform...
CAARS - Connors Adult Adhd Rating Scale 康納斯成人多動症評定量表 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - Content Analysis And Reporting System 內容分析和報告系統 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - C Albicans Autonomously Replicating Sequence 白念珠菌自主複製序列 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - Cargo Advanced Auto...
(1999). Conners’ adult ADHD rating scales (CAARS). North Tonawanda: Multi-Health Systems. Google Scholar Conners, C., Sitarenois, G., Parker, J. D., & Epstein, J. N. (1998a). The revised Conners’ Parent Rating Scale (CPRS-R): Factor structure, reliability, and criterion ...
Lenard Adler, M.D
A child or adolescent must have six symptoms of either inattentive or hyperactive-type ADHD in order to meet criteria and be diagnosed Older adolescents must have five or more symptoms. If a client meets criteria based on both the inattentive and hyperactive/impulsive symptoms, they can be diagno...
Applying the LightGBM algorithm in machine learning, we were able to differentiate subjects with ADHD, obesity, problematic gambling, and a control group using all 26 items of the Conners’ Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS-S: S) with a global accuracy of .80; precision (positive predictive ...
doi:10.1177/1087054715625299Allyson G. HarrisonSylvia NayIrene T. ArmstrongSAGE Publications