The Îtem adscription of this scale was differenl Om 由at by COMers. The CAARSδ: L score in adult ADHD group was higher than that in depression group 刷d healthy 伊up [ (]20. 0 土却. 4) vs. (50. 6 士 24. 的 I (ω.4 土 执6); PO. ∞1) .ηle Cro曲时8 alpha coe...
Internal consistency reliability was calculated indicating whether or not items of a scale consistently measure the same construct.Cronbach's alpha across age, subscales and forms ranged from 0.64 to 0.91 and forwomen ranged from 0.49 to 0.90 (Macey, 2003). The coefficients were highlysatisfactory ...
In addition to these scales, the Conners 4 measures how closely the client’s presentation matches the diagnostic criteria for ADHD,oppositional defiant disorder(ODD), and conduct disorder. The Conners 4–ADHD Index then indicates how likely a client has ADHD based on these scores. This helps th...
CAARS - Connors Adult Adhd Rating Scale 康納斯成人多動症評定量表 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - Content Analysis And Reporting System 內容分析和報告系統 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - C Albicans Autonomously Replicating Sequence 白念珠菌自主複製序列 各種各樣 / 未分類 CAARS - Cargo Advanced Auto...
Conclusion : TRS is applicable to assess ADHD in Chinese children.【 Key words】 ADHD Conners teacher rating scale Validity 注意缺陷多动障碍 (ADHD) 是学龄期儿童常见的行为问题之一 ,国内外研究发现其患病率 3 %~5 %之间 。 由于患儿注意力不能集中 、小动作多 、行为冲动 ,会给学习 、人际关系 ...
The German adaptation of the CAARS (German version39: assesses ADHD core-symptoms and related problematic behavior in adults 18 years of age and older. Symptoms are rated on a Likert-scale from “0” (not at all/never) to “3” (very much/very frequently). The short forms of the instru...
Lenard Adler, M.D
结论:TRS能可靠、敏感地区别ADHD与正常儿童,适用于教师对ADHD儿童评估。【关键词】 Conners教师评定量表;行为问题;注意缺陷多动障碍中图分类号:R395.2 文献标识码:A 文章编号:1005-3611(2004)03-0262-02 AStudyonADHDChildrenwithConnersTeacherRatingScaleYUDe-li,WANGLei,HANXue-ying,etalHarbinWomenandChildHealthCare...
671(P<0.01).Conclusion:The reliabili ty of Conners Teacher Reating Scale is satisfying,the norm of the scale can be applied in Chinese children.=Key w ords>Conners teacher rating scale Norm Reliability 注意缺陷多动障碍(ADHD)是指发生于儿童期,表现为与同龄儿童相比,具有明显的注意集中困难、持续...