Conners得分评价ADHD标准如下: 0~10分:正常范围,注意力和多动行为正常。 11~19分:轻度问题,儿童可能在注意力和多动方面稍有问题。 20~29分:中度问题,儿童注意力和多动行为有明显异常。 30分及以上:重度问题,儿童注意力和多动行为明显异常,需进一步诊断。 Conners量表是Conners编制的父母用儿童行为评定量表,主要...
Conners, By C KeithErhardt, DrewSparrow, Elizabeth
In addition to these scales, the Conners 4 measures how closely the client’s presentation matches the diagnostic criteria for ADHD,oppositional defiant disorder(ODD), and conduct disorder. The Conners 4–ADHD Index then indicates how likely a client has ADHD based on these scores. This helps th...
$135.00$115.00 Qty: SKU:CAR20A Conners CAARS Adult ADHD Rating Scales - CAARS-O-S Quikscore Forms This is the short form CAARS observer-report scales. Handscored. 25 per package. $115.00 The Conners' Adult ADHD Rating Scales (CAARS) fulfill the need for a reliable and valid measure of ...
CAARS 是什麼意思?此頁是關於首字母/縮略詞/縮寫/速記 CAARS 在互聯網領域,特別是在聊天術語中的含義。Conners Adult Adhd Rating Scales 康納斯成人多動症評定量表
目的:引进Conners'成人ADHD自评量表(Conners'AdultADHD Rating Scales Self-Report,CAARS-S:L)66个条目量表的中文版,并分析其信度和效度,为成人ADHD的诊断提供可靠的评定工具.方法:1,根据国外成人注意缺陷多动障碍评估和诊断标准,结合CCMD-3和DSM-Ⅳ对儿童ADHD...
A reliable diagnosis of adult Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) is challenging as many of the symptoms of ADHD resemble symptoms of other disorders. ADHD is associated with gambling disorder and obesity, showing overlaps of about 20% with each diagnosis. It is important for clinical ...
ADHD的临床评估量表有( )A.DHD诊断量表父母版:B.Vanderbilt父母及教师评定量表:C.父母及教师评定量表SNAP)-Ⅳ:D.Conners量表