According to the recently presented generalized extensivity test [M. Nooijen, K.R. Shamasundar, D. Mukherjee, Mol. Phys. 103 (2005) 2277] the concepts of and relations between connectivity, separability, and consistency are explained and illustrated by partitioned diagrams. The concept of ...
In (a), complementary cumulative distribution function of degree is reported in log-log scale (dots), fitted by an exponential function (dash line) instead of power-law; tests on the power-law distribution of the data failed based on the method of Clauset et al.59and the method of Voital...
(in short,super-j)ifGismax-jandeveryminimumpoint-disconnectingsetis trivial. Graphtheorycanbeusedtoanalyzethenetworkreliability.Ithasbeen shownthatifanetworkpossessesthesuper-k(resp.,super-j)property,itis mostreliableandhasthesmallestedge(resp.,point)failurerate.These propertieshavebeeninvestigatedonthe...
We study the problem of determining the optimal low-dimensional projection for maximising the separability of a binary partition of an unlabelled dataset, as measured by spectral graph theory. This is achieved by finding projections which minimise the second eigenvalue of the graph Laplacian of the ...
Separability of calcium slow waves and functional connectivity during wake, sleep, and anesthesia.doi:10.1117/1.NPH.6.3.035002Lindsey M. BrierEric C. LandsnessAbraham Z. SnyderPatrick W. WrightGrant A. BaxterAdam Q. BauerJin Moo LeeJoseph P. Culver...
A KS value nearing 1 signifies a high level of distinguishability for the connectivity between two channels, whereas a value approaching 0 suggests a low level of separability. Here, the two-sample KS test compares the underlying distributions of two independent samples regarding the MI classes. -...
To compare functional connectivity between the groups mentioned above, first, we have to check which connections are relevant for class separability. It is worth noting that a high correlation in the functional connectivity matrix does not guarantee a higher class separability. Therefore, we use the...
A KS value nearing 1 signifies a high level of distinguishability for the connectivity between two channels, whereas a value approaching 0 suggests a low level of separability. Here, the two-sample KS test compares the underlying distributions of two independent samples regarding the MI classes. -...