1.connectivetissueproper(gel-likematrix)LooseC.T AdiposeT DenseC.T ReticularT 2.cartilageandbone(solidmatrix)3.blood(fluidmatrix)Ⅰ.Looseconnectivetissue:moregroundsubstancewithlooselyarrangedcellsandfibers areolartissue Distributewidely7-typecells3-typefibers 1.Cell:1)Fibroblast flattencellwithprocesses,...
骨组织bone connective tissue:连接、支撑、保护器官,形成骨架,从而使人有目的移动bind, support, protect your organs, and give you a skeleton so that you can move with a purpose 软骨组织cartilage connective tissue 脂肪fat:提供绝缘,储存能量provides insulation and fuels storage 固有结缔组织proper connective...
In connective tissue proper the extracellular matrix is soft; in cartilage it is much firmer, partially calcified, but flexible in nature; and in bone the matrix is rigid because of the presence of calcium salts, which are in the form of hydroxyapatite crystals. Cartilage and bone are ...
Connective tissue is diversified in function and may be divided into four categories according to the type of matrix. In connective tissue proper (which forms the framework for most organs) the matrix is soft. In cartilage it is firm but flexible. The intercellular substance of bone, which is...
Chapter3 Connective Tissue prooper(固有结缔组织)CONNECTIVETISSUEPROPER Introduction&CellGeneralhistologySpecialhistologyEpitheliumConnectivetissueproperTissueConnectivetissueCartilage&boneBloodMuscletissueNervetissueThecirculatorysystemTherespiratorysystemOrgan&systemDigestiveglandsTheurinarysystemThefemalereproductivesystemTheimmune...
What is connective tissue? Learn the connective tissue definition and the types of connective tissue with connective tissue examples showing...
A connective tissue disorder can affect any connective tissue in your body. Connective tissues support your organs, attach muscles to bones, and create scar tissue after an injury. Cartilage is an example of a connective tissue. There are many types of connective tissue disorders, such as ...
组织学03 connective tissue ConnectiveTissueProper 周雯WenZhouDepartmentofHistologyandEmbryologyHainanMedicalUniversity Objectives •Describetheclassification,functions,andconstituentsofconnectivetissueproper•Listanddescribethesourcesandpropertiesoftheresidentandtransientconnectivetissuecells•Describethecomponents,properties,...
Dense regular connective tissue (found intendonsand ligaments) Cartilage (a type of supporting connective tissue that consists of chondrocyte cells, collagen fibers, and elastic fibers; semi-solid or flexible matrix; includes hyaline cartilage, fibrocartilage, and elastic cartilage) ...
Connective tissue cells refer to the cells that are found in the subendothelial connective tissue of the intima and in the adventitia, where they surround blood vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. AI generated definition based on: Haschek and Rousseaux's Handbook of Toxicologic Pathology (Third Editio...