How is a connective tissue disorder treated?Medicines may be given to prevent your immune system from attacking healthy cells. You may also need medicines to stop the disease from getting worse. You may need to use topical creams or lotions to control a rash or other symptoms that affect ...
This chapter focuses on childhood lupus, dermatomyositis, and scleroderma. As well as these delineated conditions, children with connective tissue diseases frequently have features of more than one connective tissue disorder, so that their disease is said to “overlap.” An example is a child with ...
Systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE) is a multiorgan autoimmune disease arising from dysregulation in the immune system. The disease process begins when a genetically susceptible individual is exposed to an environmental trigger, i.e., infection, which in turn triggers the process of antinuclear ...
ConnectiveTissueDisease 陈菊萍 扬州大学医学院皮肤性病学教研室 结缔织织病(connectivetissuediseases)包括一组累及多系统、多器官疏松结缔组织的疾病,属于自身免疫性疾病范畴。本组疾病有许多共同特征,如患者血清中可检测出多种自身抗体,组织病理改变主要为淋巴细胞浸润、结缔组织粘液样水肿、纤维蛋白样变性和血管...
The disease happens when a mutation in two genes responsible for type 1collagenlowers the amount or quality of the protein, whichis essential to the structure of bones and skin. Autoimmune Connective Tissue Disease Researchers don't know the cause of other forms of connective tissue disease. In...
Connective Tissue DiseaseConnective Tissue Disease 收藏 分享 下载 举报 用客户端打开
Risk factors: hereditary connective tissue diseases (e.g. Marfan's syndrome, Ehlers–Danlos syndrome, fibromuscular dysplasia, osteogenesis imperfecta type I, autosomal dominant polycystic kidney disease, Menkes' disease) ▸ migraine ▸ hypertension ▸ smoking ▸ oral contraceptives ▸ trauma or ...
My neighbor's have a sweet 8 year old boy. he had a lens dislocation due to a connective tissue disease named Marfan (I think that the name). It sounds like a very serious condition. My boy is playing with this kid several hour a week. should I take him to the GP to see that ...
autoantibodies, such as systemic sclerosis (SSc), rheumatoid arthritis (RA), systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), dermatomyositis (DM)/polymyositis (PM), ankylosing spondylitis (AS), Sjögren syndrome (SS), undifferentiated connective tissue disease (UCTD), and mixed connective-tissue disease (MCTD)...
This book is comprised of essays on connective tissue, written largely by Scandinavian and American authors in this field. The title is somewhat