hints,strands,strends,connection, nyt connections, unlimited, iOS, download, wordls, words, offline Every Day Challenges. Jan, Feb, Mar, Apr, May, Jun, Jul, Aug, Sep, Oct, Nov, Dec, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21,...
Regarding the questions above, I'm still seeing a few possible hints/workarounds for server implementers who really want to have good interoperability and good assurance that a tab was closed. One hint is to emit a "100-continue" interim response in response to a half-closed request if the...
hints = LibC::Addrinfo.new hints.ai_family = (ip_address.family || Family::UNSPEC).to_i32 hints.ai_socktype = type hints.ai_protocol = protocol hints.ai_flags = 0_u8 hints.ai_addrlen = ip_address_size hints.ai_addr = ip_address.to_unsafe hints.ai_addr.value.sa_len = ip_...
Subscribe "The climate transitions that we studied took place on millenial time scales, less than a thousand years, with some occurring over just decades to centuries," Gibson says. "So over the course of a human lifetime, these would have been changes that an individual would experience. "A...
Interestingly, reduced cell surface expression of two other IgCAMs, CHL1 and L1, in MICAL-1 À / À hippocampi hints at a general role for MICAL-1 in the regulation of vesicles carrying IgCAMs. These effects are selective since the cell surface expression of proteins is normal in MICAL...
Thanks for the hints! I found Q14 easy once I’d fired up the search engine. It helps if you don’t think only of omnibuses. Concordsays: 5 December 2018 at 21:59 Two left here. I’ll work out one but the other is going to be a stab in the dark. I’m confident about the...
I have read many of your helpful hints from other travelers and was most impressed with your knowledge. I hope you can advise us of how to get about also too. We are two, older travelers with some mobility concerns. We are flying from the UK to Milano. We arrive to Milano Malpensa in...
ywwgrequested a review fromHolzhausOctober 25, 2021 21:17 controller disconnect : Make sure to associate the connection with th… eb937bb Member Holzhausleft a comment Holzhausmerged commite9da247intomixxxdj:mainNov 5, 2021 ywwgmentioned this pull requestDec 5, 2021 ...
(Update: as pointed out below, the issue originally described arises out of VPN Azure requiring TLS 1.0, which is disabled by default on some systems. The connection issue can be resolved by manually adjusting OpenSSL config as described...