Anyway, I digress. The name for element 61was confirmedat the 15th Conference of the International Union of Chemistry in Amsterdam in September 1949, apparently the same meeting at which the organisation changed their name back to the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC). How...
I joined that trial, and as of yesterday, I’ve been on crizotinib for 11 years. Yes, I’m an outlier. While this drug has worked well for me, current targeted therapies don’t work well for everyone, and most people eventually develop resistance. We need more research and treatment opt...
SEE ALSO: NYT's The Mini crossword answers for September 23 Here's a hint for today's Connections categories Want a hit about the categories without being told the categories? Then give these a try: Yellow: Off-road Green: Land for planting Blue: Cartoons sans their partner Purple: Types...
SEE ALSO: NYT's The Mini crossword answers for September 16 Here's a hint for today's Connections categories Want a hit about the categories without being told the categories? Then give these a try: Yellow: Leading expert Green: Has a sharp point Blue: Corny Purple: Things with limits ...
Yellow group hint: Something that may be used as a heraldic device. Green group hint: Have you seen A Complete Unknown yet? Blue group hint: Seattle and Minneapolis, also. Purple group hint: Not vegetables, but... Answers for today's Connections groups ...
Get-ChildItem "HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client" -Recurse | Remove-ItemProperty -Name UsernameHint -Ea 0 Remove-Item -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client\servers' -Recurse 2>&1 | Out-Null Remove-ItemProperty -Path 'HKCU:\Software\Microsoft\Terminal Server Client...
Wordle hint No. 1: Repeats Today's Wordle answer has no repeated letters. Wordle hint No. 2: Vowels There are two vowels in today's Wordle answer. Wordle hint No. 3: Start letter Today's Wordle answer begins with the letter N. ...
Helpful Hint: Once you purchase your bottle of magickal oil, never let the bottle run out of oil. You can treat your first bottle, which will be filled with herbs and other magickal things, as a “mother”. The energy is there, the original recipe is there, just keep re-filling your...
The internal error state is 11. The following fatal alert was received: 40 The following fatal alert was received: 70 The grace period for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has expired The local session manager service failed the sign-in. The request is not supported The logon attempt ...
The internal error state is 11. The following fatal alert was received: 40 The following fatal alert was received: 70 The grace period for the Remote Desktop Session Host server has expired The local session manager service failed the sign-in. The request is not supported The logon attempt ...