名词1.不可数名词:连接,联结;可数名词:[connection between sth and sth connection with/to sth ] 连接点,连接物2.可数名词:(供中转旅客及时换乘的)联运交通工具(如火车、飞机等)3.常作复数熟人,生意上的关系户(尤指有权有势的)4.(connections)亲属,亲戚 ...
失业的数目同物价的上涨并没有必然的联系.relate with 把…同…联系起来 connect sth in thought or meaning 联系;涉及与;和……有关;与联系 这些意思和relate to的意思都差不多,relate with还有“符合”的意思 relate with 使符合,使关联 relate with the facts 与事实相符 relate…with 把关联 ...
or in connection with的中文翻译 or in connection with 或与;或关于 双语例句 1 All disputes arising from the execution of or in connection with this contract.所有纠纷的执行或与本合同有关的。2 • you may not use the myriad set font on or in connection with web sites,produc...
~ (to sth) 联结;接通;连接the act of connecting or the state of being connected 电力系统in electrical system 3. [c] 连接点;(尤指电力系统的)接头a point, especially in an electrical system, where two parts connect 火车;公共汽车;飞机train/bus/plane ...
in connection with 双语例句 1. for the period of years after the Closing Date either on its own account or in conjunction with or on behalf of any person, firm or company, in connection with any Restricted Business endeavour to entice away from the Company any person who at the Closing Da...
1. 分析句子结构: 该句是一个简单句,主语是“one”,谓语是“can attend”,宾语是“local government meetings, online community forums, or town hall discussions”。 2. 确定空格词性: 空格处需要填入一个动词,与“a connection”构成动宾短语,表示与当地社区建立某种联系。 3. 理解句意: 为了与当地社区建立...
1.Others will allow it to operate only in close conjunction with powerful domestic interests.其它国家只会允许它在与强有力的国内利益紧密结合的情况下运作.2.However it can have more impact if software is used in conjunction with robotics.然而,软件程序和一个机器人结合,会造成更大的影响....
04月10日漏签0天 readyornot吧 关注:11,357贴子:68,312 看贴 图片 吧主推荐 玩乐 5回复贴,共1页 <返回readyornot吧your connection ...你与主机的链接已断开 只看楼主收藏回复 69cz18 一级警员 1 联机问题。怎么办 怎么解决。大佬说一下。求求 送TA礼物 来自iPhone客户端1楼2022-03-21...
missing connection or connection string的意思:缺少的连接或连接字符串,连接字符串有问题或者没连接。字符串或串(String)是由数字、字母、下划线组成的一串字符。一般记为 s=“a1a2···an”(n>=0)。它是编程语言中表示文本的数据类型。在程序设计中,字符串(string)为符号或数值的一个连续序列...