Caused by: Connection timed out, socket connect lapse130867ms. / Caused by: Connection timed out JDBC OCI Driver, use: java TestJDBC"my_user""my_password""jdbc:oracle:oci:@" The result will be: Exceptioninthrea...
at oracle.jdbc.driver.T4CConnection.logon( ~[ojdbc8-]... 41 moreCaused by: Connection timed out, socket connect lapse 127230 ms. /xxxxxxxxxxx 1521 300000 1 true
The Network Adapter could not establish the connection Connection timed out: connect, socket connect lapse 21032 ms. / 1521 0 1 true Connection timed out: connect, socket connect lapse 21032 ms. / 1521 0 1 true Connection timed out: connect Connection timed out: connect ...
Socket read timed out, socket connect lapse 5 ms. XXXX YYYY 3 2 true Socket read timed out Socket read timed outNeonchen added bug wait for review labels Apr 9, 2020 Neonchen changed the title Connection using more complex JDBC URL not possible Connection using complex custom JDBC URL not...