System.InvalidOperationException:“The ConnectionString property has not been initialized.” 异常通常表明在尝试使用数据库连接时,连接字符串(ConnectionString)属性尚未被正确初始化或设置。这意味着应用程序在尝试建立数据库连接时,找不到必要的连接信息。
执行.DbMigrator时报错:The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. 原因 情况一 DbContext中没有指定连接字符串 解决方案 情况二 appsettings.json 配置文件的属性没有设置为始终复制 解决方案 右键appsettings.json选择属性>复制到输出目录选择始终复制或者如果较新则复制...
原因: 情况1 DbContext中没有指定连接字符串 解决: 情况2 appsettings.json 配置文件的属性没有设置为始终复制
一 foreach (var id in idlist) { _connection.Open(); var sql = "sql query" var parameters = ... await _connection.ExecuteAsync(sql, parameters); _connection.Close(); } A. The ConnectionString property has not been initialized. 有谁能指出我可能做错了什么吗? 注意:我也尝试过将连接从...
connection string problem connection string to get connected over VPN connetced server connection timeout not working Connection.ServerVersion throws System.InvalidOperationException Connections string where instance name has a backslash in it ConnectionString property has not been initialized Conversion failed...
翻译:{“ConnectionString属性尚未初始化。”} 其实,就是配置文件有问题,连接字符串写错了, 连接不到...
connection string problem connection string to get connected over VPN connetced server connection timeout not working Connection.ServerVersion throws System.InvalidOperationException Connections string where instance name has a backslash in it ConnectionString property has not been initialized Conversion failed...
求翻译:The ConnectionString property has not been initialized是什么意思?待解决 悬赏分:1 - 离问题结束还有 The ConnectionString property has not been initialized问题补充:匿名 2013-05-23 12:21:38 ConnectionString属性尚未初始化 匿名 2013-05-23 12:23:18 ConnectionString物产未初始化 匿名 2013...
The error indicated the "ConnectionString" property has not been initialized, because it is looking for the connection string named "SQLClient". It can't be found it correctly. Firstly, please try the following code to get the ConnectionString correctly ...