sockerr =Noneaddresses = socket.getaddrinfo(, self.port, socket.AF_UNSPEC, socket.SOCK_STREAM)for(af, socktype, proto, canonname, sockaddr)inaddresses:try: self._socket = socket.socket(af, socktype, proto)ifself.ssl_options: self._socket = ssl.wrap_socket(self._socket, **self...
@Override publicString getJdbcUrl() { return"jdbc:postgresql://postgres-server.svc.local:5432/mydatabase?ssl=true&sslmode=required"; } }; } } 现在,Spring Boot将自动使用这些信息来连接到给定的PostgreSQL数据库。 在写这篇文章的时候,有以下几个子接口: CassandraConnectionDetails for connections to a...
Get the keyKind property: Kind of the connection string key. Returns: the keyKind value. type public Type type() Get the type property: Type of the connection string. Returns: the type value. validate public void validate() Validates the instance. Applies to Azure SDK for Java Latest在...
Link connection status, please refer to this articles for details. TypeScript 复制 status?: string Property Value string stopTime Link connection stop time TypeScript 复制 stopTime?: any Property Value any 本文内容 Properties Property Details ...
connectionName public String connectionName() Obtenir la propriété connectionName : Nom de la connexion. Returns: valeur connectionName.type public ConnectionType type() Obtenez la propriété type : type de connexion via un service lié ou un jeu de données. Returns: valeur de type...
defcassandra_is_available():try: socket.create_connection(('',9042),1.0)exceptsocket.error:returnFalseelse:returnTrue 开发者ID:Kayle009,项目名称:sentry,代码行数:7,代码来源 示例14: setUp ▲点赞 1▼ defsetUp(self):self.config = {'host':'localhost','port':9090,'request_...
_IsBillablestringSpécifie si l’ingestion des données est facturable. Quand _IsBillable estfalse, l’ingestion n’est pas facturée sur votre compte Azure. RégionstringPays ou région où se trouve Gestion des API passerelle. _ResourceIdstringUn identificateur unique de la ressource à laquel...
Exact same code, just interchanging the reactive repository. For both cassandra and mongo, I could insert the millions of entities with little to no cpu/memory footprint within no time. I believe saving a flux of "something" inside elasticseach should be a common use case. ...
"Cassandra"— Apache Cassandra®database C++ interface If thedrivertypeinput argument is"jdbc", then thevendorargument must be one of the values for JDBC drivers. If thedrivertypeinput argument is"native", then thevendorargument must be one of the values for native interfaces. ...