[root@Rich七哥-0-50 redis]# /opt/redis/redis-cli -h not connect to Redis at Connection refused not connected> quit 这是因为需要重新加载配置文件 执行 redis-server /etc/redis.conf 1430:C 30 Oct 2019 09:46:45.118# oO0OoO0OoO0Oo Redis is starting oO...
一、报错信息 Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused 二、出现原因 昨天装完redis,服务也启动成功了,客户端正常连接,然后晚上关机睡觉,当然Linux虚拟机也就关闭了。 第一天装redis的时候,我埋了一个雷,正常情况是不是要修改redis.conf文件的配置,什么后台运行呀、设置密码呀,开放端口...
pi@raspberrypi:/etc/influxdb $ influx Connected to http://localhost:8086 version 1.8.10 InfluxDB shell version: 1.8.10 > show databases ERR: Post http://localhost:8086/query?chunked=true&db=&epoch=ns&q=show+databases: dial tcp [::1]:8086: connect: connection refused > Suddenly it see...
问题原因: 关闭了服务端导致客户端打不开,最简单快捷解决办法就是先开启服务端,再去连接客户端! 开启客户端要确保服务端启动 。 之前还好好的为啥就报错了? 当你在客户端执行了shutdown正常关闭 命令,之后出现not connected>【当然也不排除其他情况,这里只是举个典型的例子】,如下 如果是这种情况那么原因是还不知...
Could not connect to Redis at db01:6379: Connection refused not connected> 查看log: [root@db01 /opt/redis_cluster/redis_6379/conf]$ tail -f /opt/redis_cluster/redis_6379/logs/redis_6379.log -._-._.-'.-' -._ _.-'-..-' ...
相信很多人刚上手使用Redis时,很容易遇到的问题就是Could not connect to Redis at Connection refused。由于本篇博客只是仅仅记录,所以开门见山,宜春不多哔哔… 其实原因很简单,这个问题一般是关闭了服务端导致客户端打不开,最简单快捷解决办法就是先开启服务端,再去连接客户端! 开启客户端要确保...
If you’re not familiar with the ERR_CONNECTION_REFUSED error, knowing where to begin can be tricky. How do you even diagnose the problem? Well, this guide is a good place to start. Keep reading to discover why this error happens, and how you can fix it. ...
Error condition on socket for SYNC: Connection refused,1停掉所有主从redis,然后删除从里面免密钥登录文件127.0.0.1:6379>shutdownnotconnected>[root@db03~]#cd/r
Could not connect to Redis at xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx:6379: Connection refused not connected>exit 1. 2. 3. 4. 看了一下配置文件,发现bind的配置为: bind127.0.0.1 1. 修改一下配置文件即可: bind127.0.0.1 xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx#xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx是redis所在的服务器的地址 ...
1) Client and Server, either or both of them are not in the network. Yes it's possible that they are not connected to LAN or internet or any other network, in that case, Java will throw "java.net.ConnectException: Connection refused" exception on client side. ...