Now, let us see what you need to do to resolve Connection refused: no further information on Minecraft. Why does it say Connection refused No further information? The error code in question means that Minecraft is not able to create a connection to the server. The problem can occur because ...
You now know How to Fix Connection “Refused No Further Information Error” on Minecraft FAQ What Should I Do If I Still Can't Connect? You've followed every step, but can't connect to the server? It's okay, double-check your settings and ensure you saved your changes....
net.ConnectException: Connection refused no further information 1、修复VPS。2、换个版本的JAVA然后重启电脑。《我的世界》简介:《Minecraft》(《我的世界》)是一款由Mo 找江苏集成灶,上阿里巴巴 江苏集成灶从原料,生产,加工一系列服务.找阿里巴巴,全球领先采购批发平台!广告 玩我的世界时候出现
4回复贴,共1页 <返回minecraft吧求助,无法联机Connection refused: no further information 只看楼主收藏回复 霜月みずは 世界重构 1 dns设置过了,重启,重装都试了,就是进不去 送TA礼物 1楼2023-03-23 13:37回复 霜月みずは 世界重构 1 dd 来自Android客户端2楼2023-03-23 14:00 回复 ...
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Guide to Fixing Minecraft Error -$AnnotatedConnectException Connection refused no further information [+screenshot]
However, it might be worth doing since resolving networking issues would fix the connection refused error. Otherwise, at the very least it narrows down the entire situation so you may try other troubleshooting methods.Conclusion When joining a Minecraft server, players may encounter connectivity ...
Java Net Connectexception Connection Refused Minecraft Stumbling upon ajava net connectexception connection refused minecrafterror? Don’t worry. This roadblock usually pops up when you’re trying to jump onto a Minecraft server, but something’s in the way. Let’s break down the common culprits ...
CONNECTION FAIL IP =, PORT =20401, reason =Connection refusedtcpSock.connect Fail! 五国可以出现,但是无法进入游戏,不知道是否等半个小时就好了 虚拟机性能应该没问题 4G内存 有固态硬盘 看了很多教程 IP 数据库 cain文件都应该没问题 分享29赞 minecraft吧 进忌的巨人 客户端可以开的起来,但是存挡...