2. 分析可能导致"getsockopt"操作中"connection refused"错误的原因 "getsockopt"是一个用于获取套接字选项的函数,而"connection refused"错误通常与连接建立过程相关,而不是直接与"getsockopt"调用相关。然而,如果在尝试连接过程中出现了"connection refused"错误,并且随后进行了"getsockopt"调用来获取连接的状态或属性,那...
拔服务器端网线测试,客户端设置keep alive时,recv较快返回0, 先收到ECONNREFUSED (Connection refused)错误码,其后都是ETIMEOUT。 2、an error returned from connect(), so it can only occur in a client (if a client is defined as the party that initiates the connection ECONNRESET: 1、在客户端服...
Password: Error responsefromdaemon: Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused 2、 vim /usr/lib/systemd/system/docker.service可用 增加--insecure-registry [Service] Type=notify NotifyAccess=main EnvironmentFile=-/run/containers/r...
这个是你的显卡驱动的问题,你可以重装一次显卡的驱动就可以了.或者点开始,点运行,输入MSCONFIG,然后回车,打开的界面点启动,找到N开头的项目,去掉,重启就可以了。显卡(Video card,Graphics card)全称显示接口卡,又称显示适配器,是计算机最基本配置、最重要的配件之一。显卡作为电脑主机里的一个重要组成...
dial tcp [::1]:26257: getsockopt: connection refused Error: unable to connect or connection lost. Please check the address and credentials such as certificates (if attempting to communicate with a secure cluster). dial tcp [::1]:26257: getsockopt: connection refused ...
Error response from daemon: Get https://registry-1.docker.io/v2/: proxyconnect tcp: dial tcp :0: getsockopt: connection refused Only when the running the docker daemon as a service. Describe the results you received: Using default tag: latest ...
kubernetes dashboard 安装时出现9090: getsockopt: connection refused错误,程序员大本营,技术文章内容聚合第一站。
Get dial tcp getsockopt: connection refused 1. 2. 3. 解决办法: 1)想起来test102机器上的docker的配置文件没有修改,于是在 /etc/sysconfig/docker 加上了“--insecure-registry=”: ...
安装kubernetes dashboard时,出现错误: Error: 'dial tcp getsockopt: connection timed out' Trying to reach: '' 原因是安装flannel 的时候master节点和node节点的网络没有刷新引起的,确保flannel的网段是一致的,如下图所示: ...