publicUInt32 ConnectionPoolSize; 屬性值 傳回768值的唯讀Integer物件。 程式碼範例 MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting 類別 需求 Namespace:root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admin 相關內容 MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting 成員 ...
报表服务器与承载报表服务器数据库的 SQL Server 实例进行通信时使用的连接池大小。 只读。 语法 VB 复制 Public Dim ConnectionPoolSize As UInt32 C# 复制 public UInt32 ConnectionPoolSize; 属性值 一个只读 整数 对象,它返回值 768。 示例代码 MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting ...
Public Dim ConnectionPoolSize As UInt32 C# 複製 public UInt32 ConnectionPoolSize; 屬性值 傳回768 值的唯讀 Integer物件。 程式碼範例 MSReportServer_ConfigurationSetting 類別 需求 Namespace: root\Microsoft\SqlServer\ReportServer\<InstanceName>\v13\Admi...
当一个pool被创建出来的时候, 就会有很多connection对象也被创建出来并添加到pool里, 这样的话minimum pool size的条件会被满足. 之后connection会按照需求不断地被添加进来, 直到到达maximum pool size的值(默认该值为100). 当connection被closed或disposed之后, 会被放回到pool中. 当一个SqlConnection对象被请求, ...
Not all connections in SQL Server Management Studio are pooled. Some, such as the connection used for each query editor, are explicitly not pooled. There are several reasons for this, including the need to keep a specific session ID (SPID) associated with the feature, or to ensure that ...
记得在数据库连接字符串中是包含这个设置的Max Pool Size属性,赶快查查MSDN,确认下是不是这里不写的话有默认值。 搜索关键字“SqlConnection.ConnectionString 属性”,找打了MSDN: ...
Connections are added to the pool as needed, up to the maximum pool size specified (100 is the default). Connections are released back into the pool when they are closed or disposed.When a SqlConnection object is requested, it is obtained from the pool if a usable connection is available....
Microsoft recommends that you use the most secure authentication flow available. If you're connecting to Azure SQL,Managed Identities for Azure resourcesis the recommended authentication method. IfMin Pool Sizeis either not specified in the connection string or is specified as zero, the connections ...
getStringOpt("connectionInitSql").foreach(hconf.setConnectionInitSql) val numThreads = c.getIntOr("numThreads", 20) hconf.setMaximumPoolSize(c.getIntOr("maxConnections", numThreads * 5)) hconf.setMinimumIdle(c.getIntOr("minConnections", numThreads)) hconf.setPoolName(c.getStringOr("...
SqlCredential是指定使用 SQL Server 驗證 Integrated Security=false () 之連線的認證更安全的方式。 Max Pool Size 100 集區中允許的連線數目上限。 有效值大於或等於 1。 小於 最小集區大小 的值會產生錯誤。 Min Pool Size 0 集區中允許的最小聯機數目。 有效值大於或...