提示“It looks like you are trying to access MongoDB over HTTP on the native driver port.”表示可以正常连接该IP地址,且8635端口可以正常通信。 图4回显信息 上一篇:文档数据库服务 DDS-连接失败,提示:Authentication failed:问题描述 下一篇:文档数据库服务 DDS-连接失败,提示:No route to host以及connecti...
针对你遇到的错误 failed to establish a new connection: [errno 113] no route to host,这个问题通常表示源主机无法找到到目标主机的路由。以下是一些解决此问题的步骤: 确认网络连接状态: 确保你的设备已经连接到网络,并且网络连接是稳定的。你可以尝试重新连接网络,或者重启你的路由器。 检查目标主机地址是否正确...
1.Connection refused是指端口开放了但是没有监听 我设置kafka的时候出现的,内网ip通,外网不通出现以上信息,是因为我的kafka host(/etc/hosts)设置了内网的ip,kafka启动之后是内网ip在监听9092,外网ip不在监听导致的,更改host的ip为外网ip就可以了; 2.No route to host是指端口没有开放 firewalld的话添加端口号...
An error is reported when you run the following command to connect to a DDS instance:./mongo --host --port 8635 -u rwuser -pxxxxxxxxx--authenticationDatabase
"No route to host" refers to a network problem. It is not a reply from the target machine. 说的是“Connection refused”是目标主机明确拒绝了这次连接,有可能是该端口没有启动监听,或者因为防火墙。“No route to host”则可能是一个网络问题,不是目标主机的回复。
如果你把host写成 localhost $host='localhost'; 会报错: SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] No such file or directory 如果把 host 写成 IP 地址, $host=''; 会报错 SQLSTATE[HY000] [2002] Connection refused 解决: 应该写成mysql容器的名称,
部署好mongodb服务器后,在客户端安装好php的mongodb扩展,用程序连接mongodb服务器出错:no route to host。 搜索了差不多一天的时候都没有相关的解决方法。最后在mongodb服务器上停掉防火墙,再访问一切正常了! 如果不想停止防火墙,只需在防火墙添加一条规则即可。
If applicable, add screenshots to help explain your problem. Flutter Version: Enter the version of the Flutter you are using Getx Version: Enter the version of the Getx you are using Describe on which device you found the bug: ex: Moto z2 - Android. ...
51:54 [WyzeBridge] HTTPSConnectionPool(host='auth-prod.api.wyze.com', port=443): Max retries exceeded with url: /user/login (Caused by NewConnectionError('<urllib3.connection.HTTPSConnection object at 0x7fed8ee41720>: Failed to establish a new connection: [Errno 113] No route to host'...
Saw the error: "Failed to create netty connection: java.net.NoRouteToHostException" exception when attempting to setup a HornetQ cluster. Resolution Please make sure HornetQ servers are bound to valid IP addresses. Verify the configuration at /etc/hosts. ...