Explanation: Connection does not exist. 说明:连接不存在。SQLCODE -900 SQLSTATE 08003 Explanation: Application process not in a connected state. 说明:应用程序不处于连接状态的过程。根据执行次数排序 [db2inst2@localhost ~]$ grep -ni "number of executions" snap.out |grep -v "=0" |...
A database connection does not exist 一个数据库连接不存在
在windows server 2008上面map了一个磁盘,共享的folder被我停止共享后,点击该磁盘的disconnect,跳出提示信息: This network connection does not exist. 解决方法: 打开注册表表HKEY_CURRENT_USER\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\MountPoints2,找到对应的项(以##SERVERNAME#FOLDER的形式命名),删除注册...
网络释义 1. 连接失败 ... 连接不存在( CONNECTION DOES NOT EXIST)连接失败(CONNECTION FAILURE) 未知的事务解析( TRANSACTI… www.pgsqldb.org|基于40个网页 2. 接通失败 《英语口语900句》 - VeryCD电驴大全... ... 信号差 Bad Signal接通失败Connection Failure电话故障 Telephone Failures ... ...
We're having the same issue, and we're starting to see it more frequently, though this fix does allow the user to login, it's not really a viable long term solution. There is another thread on Spiceworks that discusses this very issue:...
PL/SQL - Version and later: ORA-29540: class oracle/plsql/net/TCPConnection does not exist On 9.0.1 or Later Database
Thisnetwork connectiondoes not exist. 此网络连接不存在. 互联网 Thenetwork connectionwas gracefully closed. 该网络连接已被适当地关闭. 互联网 The remote system refused thenetwork connection. 远程系统拒绝网络连接. 互联网 Unable to use thenetwork connectionto track the reboot status of the target machin...
表白:黑白圣堂血天使,天剑鬼刀阿修罗。 讲解对象:/ Could not establish connection. Receiving end does not exist. 作者:融水公子 rsgz === 今天谷歌浏览器上面测试一个插件的时候遇到了这个问题,后面看到有文章说是因为有其他的插件干扰 后面想一下也对,其他的插件也会运行脚本 和我想实验的插件运行脚本 这两者...
Database Connections/Connection to localhost.sde does not exist or is not supported. 解决办法有两种(任意一种即可): 1. 修改Import Data对话框中Output Location为实际物理路径:C:\Users\Administrator\AppData\Roaming\ESRI\Desktop10.0\ArcCatalog\Connection to localhost.sde。
Error from server (NotFound): pods "nginx" not found 我是用Vagrant管理Virtualbox,上面第一次就出现了这个错误。 解决方法: Adding KUBELET_EXTRA_ARGS=--node-ip=x.x.x.x where x.x.x.x is your VM's IP in /etc/default/kubelet(this can be part of the provisioning script for example) ...