"Connection cannot be resolved to a type"错误通常是由于在编译Java程序时缺少相应的类库导致的.在Java中使用数据库连接时,需要导入java.sql.Connection类,如果没有导入该类库,就会报"Connection cannot be resolved to a type"错误.如果你使用的是Eclipse或者其他IDE,通常可以在项目中添加对应的类库,或...
JSP中出现:Connection cannot be resolved to a type,原因是因为没有导入Connect这个类。按下面方法修改一下。在jsp的开始导入jar:<%@page import="java.sql.*" %><%@ page language="java" import="java.sql.*" pageEncoding="UTF-8"%><%String path = request.getContextPath();String b...
你Connection 没有导入包。import java.sql.*;
this is mu code i getting error like "DriverManager connot be resolved" at line number 28. I dont know how to check my driver avaliability? but i have mysql connection in my pc. Subject Written By Posted connection cannot be resolved ...
ConnectionPool cannot be resolved to a type意思是“ConnectionPool”这个类是无法解析的类型,说明你在你的代码里面引用了ConnectionPool类但是在项目中找不到ConnectionPool。你需要检查一下你的import引用该类的包村不存在,里面是不是有该类,有没有添加到classpath里面去。和你的工程怎么建立的没有...
username cannot be resolved to a variable 回答2 JspWrite cannot be resolved to a type 回答2 Users cannot be resolved to a type 回答5 JspWriter cannot be resolved to a type 回答2 cSiimpleDateFormat cannot be resolved to a type 回答1打开...
2 回答username cannot be resolved to a variable 5 回答Users cannot be resolved to a type 2 回答Date cannot be resolved to a type 2 回答JspWrite cannot be resolved to a type 2 回答JspWriter cannot be resolved to a type 搜索更多本课相关问答 ...
JDBC 是引用 import java.sql.*;不是首字母大字的 。。。
I'm interested if this suggestion fixed the issue. I'm having similar problem but my connections are defined. Were you able to get it going? Only differnences I see are my jre is v... _04 and my tomcat/jdk path locations.