Royal ConnectionByline: GORDON CURRIEDaily Mail (London)
voiced in the British medical journalBMJ, that Dr. Andrew Wakefield’s original study purporting to make the connection between autism and vaccinations “has done long-lasting damage to public health” (seethisandthis).
She’s the founder of one of my favorite websites 40:20 Vision, a resource to start conversations and facilitate mentoring between generations. The struggle of being a 20-something is very real and her advice was definitely a highlight of the evening. Running Women Who Brunch has taught me...
When absentee ballots are distributed in the next two weeks, voters will have a new option to exercise their franchise: a drop box, which will be installed outside the Registrar’s office on North Royal Street.
arrangements for the Restore Iraqi Oil, between Halliburton and the U.S. government . The e-mail said Feith, approved arrangements for the contract "contingent on informing WH (White House) tomorrow. We anticipate no issues since action has been coordinated w VP's (vice president's) office....
This Slice of History; Royal Connection Makes Our Course the Oldest in Scotland, Say GolfersDaily Mail (London)