Simmons AD, Nguyen TK, Follis JL, Ribes-Zamora A (2014) Using a PyMOL activity to reinforce the connection between genotype and phenotype in an under- graduate genetics laboratory. PloS One 9:e114257.Simmons AD, Nguyen TK, Follis JL, Ribes-Zamora A. Using a PyMOL activ- ity to ...
The relationship between genotype and adaptive phenotypes is weak because populations are often difficult to quantify and experiments are logistically challenging or unfeasible. Interestingly, in freshwater fish, studies to characterize the genetic architecture of adaptive traits are not as rare as in ...
The genetics of these less common forms was intensively studied between 2000 and 2004, leading to the recognition of haemojuvelin (HJV), hepcidin (HAMP), transferrin receptor 2 (TFR2) and ferroportin-related haemochromatosis, and opening the way for novel hypotheses such as those related to ...
Smolders and Van Broeckhoven Acta Neuropathologica Communications (2020) 8:63 REVIEW Open Access Genetic perspective on the synergistic connection between vesicular transport, lysosomal and mitochondrial pathways associated with Parkinson's disease pathogenesis...
Clinical and genetic aspects of Bernard-Soulier syndrome: Searching for genotype/phenotype correlations 2011, Haematologica Molecular insight into human platelet antigens: Structural and evolutionary conservation analyses offer new perspective to immunogenic disorders 2011, Transfusion View all citing articles ...
A similar endosomal phenotype is produced in cell lines overexpressing rab 5. As in NPC cells, βCTF is overproduced and appears in early endosomes of the rab-5-transfected cells, which also generate substantially higher amounts of Aβ40 and Aβ42 than control cells.38 The enlarged early ...
Hematological cancersThe mitochondrial genotype alterations are associatednot only with solid tumors; they are also common inhematologicalcancers(Table1).ThreenovelstructuresofmtDNA, circulardimers,catenateddimersandcate-nated trimers are assumed to play a key role in theetiologyofacuteleukemia,chronic...
Tumor stem cells derived from glioblastomas cultured in bFGF and EGF more closely mirror the phenotype and genotype of primary tumors than do serum-cultured cell lines. Cancer Cell 2006; 9: 391–403. Article CAS Google Scholar Stiles CD, Rowitch DH . Glioma stem cells: a midterm exam. ...
Second, we recall that we have a gene–gene interaction of two genes if both affect the final phenotype of the individual together. To be specific, we now consider the two genes representing the relevant alleles of the SEPP1 and SOD2 genes, the genes involved in the potential mechanism for...
Color Code: Using Hair Color to Make a Clear Connection between Genotype and PhenotypeStudents may wonder why they look the way they do, maybe seeing Dad's nose and Mom's eyes when...Bonner, J. JoseNational Science Teachers AssociationThe Science Teacher...