When you try to connect to Exchange Online PowerShell, you receive the following error message:New-PSSession: [outlook.office365.com] Connecting to remote server outlook.office365.com failed with the following error message: Bad Request For more information, see the about_Rem...
Using PowerShell to manage your Microsoft cloud services like Exchange Online and using multi-factor authentication (MFA) separately is awesome. Using the two together however, not so much. Microsoft documentation on this topic seems to suggest that all the required admin...
Manage Exchange Online by using Windows PowerShell - Training This module covers managing mailboxes, resources, and admin roles in Exchange Online with PowerShell. Documentation Unable to sign in to Microsoft 365 portal - Microsoft 365 You can't sign in to Microsoft 365 portal ...
PowerShell (aka Posh or just PS) is becoming more and more of a tool for operational support and some deployment scenarios. If you need to pull or place data into SQL Server, PS can be a handy way of doing it in both one-off and automated work. There are a number of ways to con...
Super newbie to powershell and I am on Day 1 of learning..i am trying to configure a SQL Server Agent job with a Powershell step type that will execute this piece of ps code: Enter-PSSession -ComputerName XXX Invoke-Command -ComputerName XXX -ScriptBlock {DIR C:\TEMP} ...
https://blog.admindroid.com/connect-to-microsoft-graph-powershell-using-certificate/ The script covers following use cases: Create Azure AD app and create certificate (Create from a scratch) Create an app and use an existing certificate
I have the following snippet of code trying to connect to exchange online: public Runspace getSpace() { String schema = "http://schemas.microsoft.com/powershell/Microsoft.Exchange"; Uri server = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/PowerShell"); ...
+ FullyQualifiedErrorId : UnauthorizedAccess,Microsoft.PowerShell.Commands.ImportModuleCommand To fix it you can run the command:Set-ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned ;One prompt will come up- click yes to all.While importingImport-Module SQLPS -DisableNameChecking- - It might give you the below e...
I have a PowerShell script that pulls user information (Domain and/or SQL users, their groups and other information) and spits it out to an Excel/csv file. This script worked in my virtual lab environment; however, when executed from client issued laptop or when I remote directly into serv...
How to Run Change the IP address and port number inside the script. Open the PowerShell from\src\and run the commands shown below. Set the execution policy: Set-ExecutionPolicy Unrestricted Run the script: .\powershell_reverse_tcp.ps1