Hi there, I'm trying to connect to a Power BI dataset from Excel and to pass a parameter from a cell or rangename. When I go to the connection settings, the parameter box is greyed out. Is there a w... OxfordPowerBI To my knowledge Parameters is not available for OLE DB query ...
Not only can you connect to datasets you or your teammates have created, you can also connect to datasets created through content packs. For example, you can connect to a service content pack that you’ve set up such as Dynamics or Quickbooks and leverage that dataset in Power BI Desktop. ...
After saving our Power BI workbook, we can publish this dataset and report to Power BI service. You must publish this to a Power BI Premium workspace to use this dataset in Tableau later on. Click the link to Open in Power BI so that you’re viewing the ...
To help decision makers compare vendor ratings, make sure your ratings are viewable in a Power BI data visualization. Create reports in Power BI Desktop based on the Azure Synapse dataset and save them to your Power BI online service before you can share...
In addition to the report being published, you’ll also see a dataset that has been published. You can use this dataset to create new reports against your Azure Analysis Services model directly in Power BI. Learn more aboutAzure Analysis Services....
C#: How to read values in Excel Cells as strings? C#: How to retrieve data value of Cell of dataGridView and displayit in the button? [MODIFIED QUESTION LAYOUT] C#: Input stream is not readable since its canread returns false C#: Is it possible to create an array of dictionaries? If ...
# !Update data in to table dyanamically from hdbcli import dbapi # Open database connection conn = dbapi.connect(address="##.##.##.##", port=30215,user="SYSTEM", password="Test#123") # prepare a cursor object using cursor() method cursor = conn.cursor() # Prepare SQL query to...
1 - The problem also affects conncections from MS Excel to Azure Analysis Services, not just Power BI, so it is probably a bug with the AS client. 2 - The problem occurs when using any kind of automatic config proxy.pac file. If you disable the "Use automatic configuratoin script" ...
Re: Connecting to SAS Server through ODBC Posted 01-28-2020 03:20 PM (2874 views) | In reply to SASKiwi Does this allow for Power BI access as well? I would like to create some visualizations. Also what other than the driver would be needed. Secondly, doesnt Excel import limit ...
To illustrate the power of the policy areas highlighted in this report, we examine five country case studies. The Nether- lands, the top-ranked country on the DHL Global Connected- ness Index since 2005, excels in all five of our policy areas. We also analyze the various paths that led ...