python 和 anaconda 环境,在装 jupyter notebook 时,出了点问题,搞了一天半终于搞好了 重装了conda Python 当时显示的是无法连接到python,但是一直connecting to kernel 具体操作 pip install tornado==4.5.3 这么一个错误花了一天多。。服了。。 很明显,这是版本问题,现在直接 pip install jupyter notebook 时,...
前几天帮同学配置 python 和 anaconda 环境,在装 jupyter notebook 时,出了点问题,搞了一天半终于搞好了,也是在 github 里找到了这个问题的解答。 当时显示的是无法连接到python,不知道为什么,帮他们装的notebook居然都是中文,后来发现是 no connection to kernel 具体操作 pip install tornado==4.5.3 这么一个...
Once you start a jupyter server with debug enabled, you'll need to attempt to use a kernel. Its that attempted use of the kernel that should produce more information on the terminal window in which you started the server. Itsthatinformation that is desired. From your output above, I just ...
i can log in without problems (server machine has SSL cert with letsencrypt) but when i open a ipynb file to work on i cannot connect to kernel: a "connecting to kernel" orange box on top right appears and after a while also a message: "A connection to the notebook server could not...
Re: Issue while connecting SAS on Demand for Academics to Jupyter Posted 09-27-2021 03:19 PM (879 views) | In reply to agrisampath Your config file has a syntax error in it.: File "C:\Users\SAMPATH\anaconda3\envs\SAS\lib\site-packages\saspy\", line...
Jupyter server running: Local Actual behaviour Neverending: Connecting to kernel: Python 3.9.10 64-bit: Waiting for Jupyter Session to be idle Steps to reproduce: Run Jupyter notebook Logs To connect another client to this kernel, use: --existing /var/folders/9d/2gzgmcws2674tckqmb0khgsw...
Description What steps will reproduce the problem? I followed the steps to connect spyder to a wsl kernel: but spyder crashes at the last step, when connecting IPython console to remotemachine...
TypeError: request to https://localhost:4443/jupyter/api/contents/?1579541567509 failed, reason: connect ECONNREFUSED Expected behavior The error message above is correct since vscode is trying to access thejupyterhubAPI which is password protected. Instead, it should access thenoteboo...