你在嘗試和Pokémon GO配對前有移除並重新下載過Pokémon GO應用程式。 你在使用精靈球Plus或Pokémon GO Plus的同時,嘗試使用另外一個官方藍牙裝置。 Pokémon GO Plus +在上述情境下不需要恢復至原廠設定。 重新連結裝置並開始遊玩 如果你先前已經和Pokémon GO應用程式進行配對,但現在沒使...
After you’ve paired Pokémon GO to your Nintendo Switch, you can send Pokémon to the GO Park complex inPokémon: Let’s Go. Pokémon that you've brought from Pokémon GO intoPokémon: Let's Gocannot be transferred back to Pokémon GO. OpenPokémon: Let's Go In Fuschia City,...
. Plus, if your internet connection is apparently active but not working well, you may see the main page of YouTube keeps loading, and videos never appear. All in all, here are the top errors you may see. Permanently loading homepage. “You’re offline. Explore Downloads?” “...
啟動神秘盒子後,您必須等待三天,並傳送另一隻寶可夢到《精靈寶可夢 Let's Go!皮卡丘》、《精靈寶可夢 Let's Go!伊布》或Pokémon HOME中,才能再次使用。 如果您沒有《精靈寶可夢 Let's Go!皮卡丘》或《精靈寶可夢 Let's Go!伊布》,而且您沒有在使用Pokémon HOME,您仍然可以透過將寶可夢從您的Pok...