for awful would the penalty be; when the harvest was at last gathered, then came the procession of robbers tolevy50theirblackmail51upon it: first the Church carted off its fat tenth, then the king'scommissioner52took his twentieth,
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public notice of the availability of the department’s automobile dispute settlement procedure shall be prominently posted in the place of business of each new car dealer licensed by the Department of Motor Vehicles
May 21: Connecticut enacts the United States' first automobile speed law. The speed limit is 15 mph in rural areas, and 12 mph in the city. 1908 July: The suspension bridge at Warehouse Point becomes toll-free – the first free bridge in the state. Oct. 6: the Bulkeley Bridge opens....
Connecticut Car Accident Lawyers, Lawyer, Hartford, New Haven, Bridgeport, CT, Connecticut, Auto Accident, Accidents, Car Accidents, Crashes, Wreck Injuries, Drunk Driving, Back / Neck Injuries, CT Lawyer, CT Attorney
Few cars can sum up the automobile style preferences of the 1960s like the Ford Mustang. Beginning with the Mustang I, a two-seater that prioritized style over substance, the car eventually morphed into its 1966 identity: often a red convertible with all the flair of the popular muscle car...