it contains the words limited liability company, limited company, LLC, or L.L.C. it doesn’t contain restricted words or phrases (these often include words like bank, attorney, and university) without proper approval it doesn’t contain the words corporation, incorporated, or the abbreviations ...
If you want to fit in a few confined words like an attorney, bank, university, etc., it might demandhiring a licensed lawyeror doctor for additional documentation. The next step is to verify access to your chosen name in Connecticut. Make sure if the name is still available or utilized b...
Attorney Mario said "Our local ordinance here in the city of Milford states that your dog must be restrained or leashed when off the owner's property." Dog owners are strictly liable if their dog causes harm to someone. A dog bite is not the only issue, they said if your dog should...
He skipped town again, never made his first parole meeting and a search began for the fugitive. James Pardue was captured a month later after making a suspicious bank transaction. He was returned to Leavenworth Federal Penitentiary to finish his 25 year sentence and hung himself in prison four ...
Case:Police Dept: State’s Attorney – Windham Court:GA 11 Danielson, CT Last Seen:Cape Town, South Africa Misc Info: Currently the deputy registrar (legal services and secretariat) at the University of Cape Town South Africa. Mr. Ngobeni has been disbarred in CT, MA, NY, and from the...