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Determined, Rose turned to Dwelling House Savings and Loan, a Black-owned institution in the Hill District, which helped her purchase the house in 2003. Twenty-one years later, Rose still calls the Victorian home, having converted it into two apartments. She lives downstairs, renting out the ...
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FIData, Inc., Press Releases, “Instant Loan Approvals via the Internet,” http://www.fidata-inc.com/news/pr_040198.htm, (Apr. 1, 1998) 2 pages. Staff, “On-Line System Approves Loans While Customer Waits”—Abstract, Communication News, vol. 31, Issue 9, (Sep. 1994) 3 pages....
utility and independent generator depending on the operating decisions of both parties, and at any particular point in time each party is in either a debt or credit position relative to the other based on the net direction of that flow for a given period, and each party is billed accordingly...