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Usage data such as log-in dates, pageviews, opened links, search queries, saved papers. Analytics data collected by Google Analytics. Lists of saved papers We share your information with third-party vendors and service providers that help us with specialized services, including authentication, email...
In some cases it is convenient to work with just a list of connected papers. For these occasions, we’ve built the List view which you can access by clicking “Expand” at the top of the left panel. Here you can view additional paper details as well as sort and filter them a...
.open("Connected Papers API Key", { width: 300, centerscreen: true, alwaysRaised: true }); addon.data.dialog = dialogHelper; await dialogData.unloadLock.promise; ztoolkit.log(dialogData) if (dialogData.inputValue) { Zotero.Prefs.set("ConnectedPapers.accessToken", dialogData.inputValue) } ...
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9 RegisterLog in Sign up with one click: Facebook Twitter Google Share on Facebook connected relation [kə‚nek·təd ri′lā·shən] (mathematics) A relation such that for any two distinct elementsaandb, either (a,b) or (b,a) is a member of the relation. ...
The function H = log(F(z)/z) is analytic in G. The real part is a harmonic function in G with boundary values (355)u(η)=logRj−log|η|forη∈Γj. Only R0 = 1 is known in advance, all other Rj, j = 1,…, m, must be determined from the additional condition that u is...
Papers on two-dimensional algorithms address such topics as elliptic barrier-type grid generators for problems with moving boundaries, a class of quasi-isometric grids, triangle distortions under quasi-isometries, grid optimization and adaptation, moving mesh calculations in unsteady two-dimensional problems...
However, there are several papers that consider closely related objective functions and/or weaker models of graph dynamics. Alzoubi et al. [4] maintain an O(1)-approximate MCDS with nodes that move continuously. Unfortunately, their algorithm may take Ω(Δ) time, where Δ is the maximum ...
Science 313, 52–53 (2006) WEB SITE Jonathan Weissman's laboratory: http://weissmanlab.ucsf.edu Structure watch START AS YOU MEAN TO GO ON In Nature Structural & Molecular Biology, two papers now show that the core machinery that initiates DNA replication has a conserved structure in all ...