If your laptop’s charger is not receiving enough power, it might cause charging-related issues. This can also happen if you’re using an extension cable. So, connect the charger to a different socket or directly into the socket and use your laptop for a while. If the mouse works properl...
Wireless with USB receiver mouse... For a few days the USB receiver was randomly disconnecting and reconnecting (windows 10 makes a little chime whenever a usb device connects or disconnects). Then while using the mouse on a webpage the mouse simply stopped working. Repla...
mouse, and monitor to my laptop. For a few months, this was working fine until one day it stopped working and my monitor was not displaying anything. At the time I assumed that the port on the hub stopped working and began connecting my monitor directly through the HDMI port ...
After establishing connection, when I come back, the connection remains good throughout the day and does not disconnect. So now whenever the mouse does not connect, I just take laptop to other place in the house, connect and come back to my working place.Not able...
Bluetooth mouse shows as connected on the PC but the mouse stuck on pairing mode, blinking... MS Precision mouse not working in 1909 In your post, in addition to the transceiver, you note that your mouse has a pairing button. So if your mouse does not use a transceiver and if it is...
However, many users tend to use a mouse on their laptop because using a mouse is much simpler than using a touchpad. You can set the touchpad to turn off from Settings, but if this doesn’t work, you can modify the registry as a last resort. ...
If Wi-Fi is not working when the external monitor is connected to the laptop with HDMI, on Windows, then this post will help you fix the issue.
I have a launch file to start the D435i realsense-ros driver using a stereo vio configuration (infrared and imu topics only) and disabling the ir projector. The launch file works fine when running on a NUC console (connected to a screen ...
I seem to be facing the same issue after updating from Ubuntu 18.04 to Ubuntu 20.04. My mouse and keyboard are not working on thelogin screen. I have tried the fix describedhereand altered my/etc/X11/xrdp/xorg.conf, without success. ...
Desktop users can connect the devices to front and back USB ports. Hope this helps. Related posts: Keyboard or Mouse not working Pressing the Esc key opens Start menu in Windows 10.