Connected Glass 模组添加了具有连接纹理的新型玻璃!这包括常规、透明、有色和旧玻璃纹理! 内容 连接玻璃(Connecting Glass) 普通的玻璃纹理,但接触方块会自动连接! 透明玻璃(Clear Glass) 普通玻璃纹理的透明版本! 划痕玻璃(Scratched Glass) 老程序员艺术玻璃纹理! 染色玻璃(Tinted Glass) 染色玻璃纹理的连接和彩色...
Connected Glass alters the way glass behaves when placed next to the same glass type/color. Without this mod, glass has a clear border around each block and you can see the separation. With the connected glass mod installed, you can eliminate that border and glass blocks or panes will blend...
- Tinted glass prevents light from passing through! FAQ Why does Connected Glass not work with Sodium? Sodium ignore the Fabric rendering API. To solve this installIndium. What if I also want the vanilla textures? Connected Glass doesn't replace the vanilla glass blocks, but instead adds extra... ✔ connectedglass Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ connectedglass-1.16 语言文件验证通过。 ℹ connectedglass-1.16 模组内语言文件验证通过。 ✔ connectedglass Mod Domain 验证通过。 ℹ connectedglass-1.18-fabric 语言文件验证通过。 ℹ connectedglass-1.18-fabric 模组...
glass texture of this resourcepack have a very clear texture and connected texture compatibility with CTM optifine and with CTM mod (forge or fabric) - OptiFine (OptiFine) - CTM mod (CTM) - CTM mod fabric (CTM Fabric) - CTM Refabricated mod (CTM Refabricated) ...
大家好!制作这个资源包的灵感来自于我在网上寻找一个简单、清晰的玻璃材质包时的经历。我发现类似的材质包很多,但它们总有点不对劲。有些使用了错误的颜色;有些则缺少连接纹理支持;还有一些材质包分辨率完全不对。所以,我动手自己做了一个! 为什么选择这个透明玻璃材质包?
File Name Clear Supported Versions 1.21.4 Changelog Additional Files Related Projects Pyrite의 색유리 텍스쳐 연결(Continuty 또는 옵티파인 필요) Connected stained glass textures of pyrite(You'll need Continuty or Optifine)CurseForge...
Have you wanted Clean Glass Stairs and Slabs and glass doors? Have you wanted to connect Pyrite's own stained glasses and Blockus' wooden grates? Try this resource pack! BUT beware of X-ray bug on using tinted variant. Textures inspired by Meteorfire, Aeldit and Momiji_HozukiCurseForge...
Jappa Glass 1.14: @JasperBoerstra ( Connected Support: @DnatorGames ( Download at ( Not your thing? Consider myCLEAR GLASSwithCONNECTED TEXTURES!
이 리소스팩을 써보세요! 단, 차광유리의 엑스레이 버그는 주의하시기 바랍니다. Have you wanted Clean Glass Stairs and Slabs and glass doors? Have you wanted to connect Pyrite's own stained glasses ...